Texas Public Health Association Conference

May 22-24, 2023

The Global CPR Training Research team was given the amazing opportunity to present their work at the Texas Public Health Association’s Annual Education Conference this past May. During the breakout session, the team conducted a 20 minute presentation outlining their research by detailing how they trained students, collected data, and performed statistical analyses to determine best future practices. The research showcased statistically significant improvements in short-term retention of CPR skills and cardiovascular health information following the class, as well as high levels of course satisfaction from their students.

The team aims to expand their research to focus on long-term retention and varying course modalities in the near future. In addition, conversations with leaders in public health from all over the state of Texas allowed our team to gain feedback and ideas for the expansion of their work. As the team continues to conduct research on the effectiveness of their CPR program, they hope to soon find ways to spread awareness of this skill beyond the borders of our state and nation!