SOAR Symposium

December 1, 2023

The Global CPR Training Research team was given the opportunity to present their work at the Supporting Outstanding Academic Research (SOAR) Symposium this past month! The team presented their poster titled “Increasing Accessibility to CPR Training and Awareness through the Global CPR Training Initiative” to fellow students and professors in the School of Brain and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Throughout the student poster session, our team was able to explain the methods, results, and future direction of our organization’s work. The statistically significant increases in long-term CPR retention following Global CPR Training’s IMPACT classes have served as a great stepping stone for further research on varying training modalities and the need for follow-up coursework. The event further served as an amazing opportunity to learn about a vast range of student-led research endeavors tackling social issues such as economic inequality and the disproportionate effect of neurological disorders on disadvantaged populations.

SOAR Poster